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Eudora Welty’s Photographs, originally published in 1989, serves as the definitive book of the critically acclaimed writer’s photographs. Her camera’s viewfinder captured deep compassion and her ...

Blues Traveling

This acclaimed travel guide, hailed as the bible of blues travelers throughout the world, will shepherd the faithful to such shrines as the intersection where Robert Johnson might have made his deal with ...

Fannye Cook

Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society Outstanding Book

Conservationist Fannye Cook (1889-1964) was the most widely known scientist in Mississippi and was nationally known as the go-to person for ...

Emmett Till

Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement offers the first, and as of 2018, only comprehensive account of the 1955 murder, the trial, and the 2004-2007 FBI ...

The Mississippi Encyclopedia

Recipient of the 2018 Special Achievement Award from the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters and Recipient of a 2018 Heritage Award for Education from the Mississippi Heritage Trust

The perfect book ...

America's Great Storm

By Haley Barbour
With Jere Nash
Foreword by Ricky Mathews
Categories: Mississippi

When Hurricane Katrina hit Mississippi on August 29, 2005, it unleashed the costliest natural disaster in American history, and the third deadliest. Haley Barbour had been Mississippi's governor for only ...

The Superhero Reader

With contributions from Will Brooker, Jeffrey A. Brown, Scott Bukatman, John G. Cawelti, Peter Coogan, Jules Feiffer, Charles Hatfield, Henry Jenkins, Robert Jewett and John Shelton Lawrence, Gerard Jones, ...

Juke Joint

Photographs by Birney Imes
Introduction by Richard Ford
Categories: Mississippi
Series: Author and Artist Series

In this famed collection of full-color photographs, Birney Imes reveals a previously unexplored and now nearly vanished domain, the Black juke joints of the Mississippi Delta. Imes's work transforms these ...

Mississippi's American Indians

At the beginning of the eighteenth century, over twenty different American Indian tribal groups inhabited present-day Mississippi. Today, Mississippi is home to only one tribe, the Mississippi Band of ...

One Writer’s Garden

By Susan Haltom & Jane Roy Brown
Photographs by Langdon Clay
Categories: Literature

By the time she reached her late twenties, Eudora Welty (1909–2001) was launching a distinguished literary career. She was also becoming a capable gardener under the tutelage of her mother, Chestina ...