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Marketing Your Book

Who does what in your marketing department?

Sales approaches (all bookstores, wholesalers, online vendors, sales representatives, global distribution partners) and questions ask: 
Steven B. Yates, Associate Director/Marketing Director 

Events and Signings, Media (including requests for promotional materials), Social Media, Awards, and Advertising approaches and questions ask: 
Courtney McCreary, Senior Publicity and Promotions Manager

Ebook and print-on-demand approaches and questions ask: 
Rachel Switzer, Digital Publishing Specialist

Electronic mail, direct mail, flyers, postcards, bookmarks, and website questions ask: 
Kristin Kirkpatrick, Electronic and Direct-to-Consumer Sales Manager 

Course adoption and online book data approaches and questions ask: 
Kathy Burgess, Data Services and Course Adoptions Manager 

Exhibits approaches and questions ask: 
Joey Brown, Marketing Assistant and Exhibits Coordinator

Social media ask:
Marianna Robbins, Social Media and Advertising Specialist

General Marketing Questions

How can I get a catalog?

You can request a catalog here.

Should I send an author photo?

Yes! We collect author photos from all of our authors for a wide variety of purposes. The photo should be a traditional headshot of your head and shoulders. We prefer digital photos that are 300 dpi and at least 6 inches along one side. Please make sure to include the proper credit line.

We include author photos on our website and occasionally send them to news outlets who request them. Your author photo may also be used in the interior. Please note: Our book covers do not feature author photographs.

If you have additional questions, or would like to submit an author photo, please email Joey Brown.

Sales Approaches

How will my book be sold?

Books from University Press of Mississippi are distributed nationally and internationally via wholesalers Baker & Taylor and Ingram Book Company, are sold by UPM’s direct representation to Barnes & Noble Superstores, are sold nationally in territories by independent sales representatives, are sold in Canada by our distributor University of British Columbia Press, and are sold across the remainder of the globe by EUROSPAN.

Our books are sold to academic libraries via jobbers, especially Yankee Book Peddler, and to libraries via Ingram and Baker & Taylor. Electronic books from UPM are sold by Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, Kobo, and over sixty other e-reader and library e-book vendors. Select audiobooks are licensed to the world through Redwood Audiobooks.

Who are these sales representatives?

Please see a complete listing here.

I have an event idea, but I will have to sell the books myself. How do I do that?

Please email Courtney McCreary.

I need to order some of my books, but not for an event. How do I do that?

Ring 1.800.737.7788 or 601.432.6205 (in Mississippi). Please identify yourself as the author, and you’ll get your discount. Or you can email Sandy Alexander and let her know your needs.

Do you need help ordering via our website? You can find a step-by-step video here.

Where are the books warehoused and how long does it take to get them?

In the United States, our books are warehoused in Pennsylvania, and some books are printed on demand, and those usually ship from La Vergne, Tennessee. If you need books in the US, you should plan on ordering at least three weeks before your need or travel.

For other sales questions, please email Steven B. Yates.

Course Adoption and Online Book Listings

What are some ways UPM promotes a book for course adoption?

We will notify subject-based, in-house professor contact lists via e-news releases or e-flyers. Also, we’ll be glad to notify specific lists of professors that you’ve supplied.

Also, when scholarly titles are published in paperback format, you may submit a targeted contact list (including physical and email addresses) of 10-15 key professors who you’d like for us to offer complimentary examination copies of your book for course adoption consideration. We will then reach out to these professors to confirm that they would like to receive these complimentary examination copies and to verify their preferred shipping addresses.

If any key professor contacts you’ve supplied are located outside of the US or Canada, we will share those contacts with our international sales representative group, Eurospan. Once the book is available online, you can also direct teaching academics and trainers outside the US and Canada to Eurospan’s Inspection Copy Service.

If I have questions about my book’s listings online, whom should I contact?

Please feel free to submit updates or corrections pertaining to any of your book’s online listings that contain incorrect or out-of-date information. Also, if you have any questions about your book’s online listings, contact Kathy Burgess.

Email, Direct Mail, Flyers, and Exhibits 

Will you send emails to my contact list?

We are happy to contact individuals via email for specific marketing purposes! However, we are not able to send email blasts to large lists of contacts without their prior consent. If you want to make sure that you and your contacts are up-to-date on UPM new releases, consider opting in to our Constant Contact email list.

If your book is featured in an email, we’ll send you the Constant Contact generated email link. These links are a great way to share our email content with your personal email lists. See an example of the email link here.

Sign up for our Constant Contact email list here.

If you have additional questions, please email them to Kristin Kirkpatrick.

My book would be a perfect fit for a specific conference. What do I need to do to get it there?

University Press of Mississippi regularly attends numerous academic conferences throughout the year. If your book is a fit for any of those conferences, we will take your title with us and display it.

We also participate in many conferences through combined exhibit programs in which a third party displays your book on our behalf. We will attempt to utilize this option whenever we can.

If you are personally attending a conference, please let Joey Brown know well in advance so that we can provide you with extra flyers for your book. If would like to bring multiple copies of your book, please be in touch with Courtney McCreary about an EVENT order.

We are conference organizers interested in having University Press of Mississippi as an exhibitor. Whom should I contact?

Please contact Joey Brown.

How do I request a review copy of a book?

Review copies are available to members of the media for the purpose of reviewing books in a print, radio, audio, or online format. Please submit a request online here or e-mail Courtney McCreary.

I’d like to interview one of your authors. How can I contact them?

To be in touch with one of our authors, please e-mail Courtney McCreary.

Ebook Questions

Where can I find the e-book version of my book?

We do not sell ebooks directly, but electronic versions of UPM books are available from a variety of retailers. For more information, please see our page on ebook availability.

If you have additional questions, please email them to Rachel Switzer.

When will my ebook appear?

This conversion process takes a little time, but your book should be available electronically within approximately 30 days after the print book is released.