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Showing 51-56 of 56 titles.
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Neo-Pagan Sacred Art and Altars

Fire-cat masks, earth mother icons, henna tattoos, ankhs, and water altars these objects may sound like the inventory in an ancient druid's sanctuary. But they are part of the sacred reliquary created ...

American Exceptionalism

By Deborah L. Madsen
Categories: History

Exceptionalism, the notion that Americans have a distinct and special destiny different from that of other nations, permeates every period of American history. It is the single most powerful force in ...

Vodou Things

Pierrot Barra and his wife Marie Cassaise are the most astonishing artists that the author of this fascinating book has encountered in more than a decade of researching Vodou in Haiti. He discovered them ...

Roosevelt's Blues

Association of Recorded Sound Collections Awards for Excellence
Recorded Gospel Music (1998)

In Roosevelt's Blues, Guido van Rijn documents more than a hundred blues and gospel lyrics that contain direct ...