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Showing 291-300 of 303 titles.
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The Capers Papers

At last it's available again, and in paperback, the book that Charlotte Capers' hosts of readers have been urging back into print. One of Mississippi's most fascinating personalities and one of its absolutely ...

An Alphabet

When he died in 1965, Walter Anderson left a seemingly inexhaustible store of watercolors, linoleum cuts, and fanciful drawings that cry out for a place in books. Thus comes An Alphabet. It combines his ...

Mississippi Writers

Drama is celebrated in this fourth volume of a monumental anthology in four volumes collecting fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama written by authors from Mississippi, a state that has been called ...

The Soul of Southern Cooking

Here is a collection of representative authentic soul food dishes for those who want the real thing. Most of the recipes were learned by the author from her grandmother, Frances Fleming Hunter, a cook ...

The Yazoo River

By Frank E. Smith
Foreword by David Molpus
Categories: Southern Studies

The Yazoo River unlocks the door to one of the most unusual and diverse regions in America, the culturally, strategically, and agriculturally rich Delta flatland embraced by two rivers, the Mississippi ...

Mississippi Writers

Poetry is celebrated in this third volume of a monumental anthology in four volumes collecting fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama written by authors from Mississippi, a state that has been called ...

Mississippi Writers

Nonfiction is celebrated in this second volume of a monumental anthology in four volumes collecting fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama written by authors from Mississippi, a state that has been called ...

Mississippi Writers

Nonfiction is celebrated in this second volume of a monumental anthology in four volumes collecting fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama written by authors from Mississippi, a state that has been called ...

A Black Physician's Story

This book chronicles the successful struggle of Douglas Conner to escape poverty and to provide advancement not only for himself but also for impoverished and oppressed blacks in his home state of Mississippi. ...

Mississippi Writers

Fiction is celebrated in this first volume of a monumental anthology in four volumes collecting fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama written by authors from Mississippi, a state that has been called ...