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Eudora Welty

Showing 21-30 of 30 titles.
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On William Faulkner

By Eudora Welty
Afterword by Noel Polk
Categories: Literature

Eudora Welty (1909–2001) and William Faulkner (1897–1962) were almost unquestionably Mississippi's leading literary lions during the twentieth century. Their influence on American literature is immeasurable. ...

Some Notes on River Country

By Eudora Welty
Categories: Literature

The Mississippi river country from Vicksburg to Natchez was a source and a setting for several of Eudora Welty's early stories and for her novel The Robber Bridegroom. Her eloquent essay about this region, ...

Passionate Observer

Edited by Rene Paul Barilleaux
Categories: Literature

This companion publication to a marvelous exhibition at the Mississippi Museum of Art (from April 6 through June 30, 2002) presents a selection of Eudora Welty’s black-and-white photographs taken in ...

Country Churchyards

By Eudora Welty
Introduction by Elizabeth Spencer
Categories: Literature

For many years Eudora Welty wished to produce a book about country churchyards. Published at long last in her ninety-first year, this book includes ninety of her photographs along with a conversation ...

One Time, One Place

By Eudora Welty
Foreword by William Maxwell
Categories: Photography

Eudora Welty is among the very few authors who are acclaimed for their work in both literature and photography. In 1971 she surprised her readers with this important book, for in One Time, One Place many ...

More Conversations with Eudora Welty

This book of conversations with one of America’s most revered writers extends the firsthand account of Eudora Welty’s life and work from the early 1980s to the present and supplements Conversations ...

Eudora Welty

By Noel Polk
Categories: Literature

This full-dress bibliography of the works of one of America’s greatest writers contains essential information for all serious scholars of Eudora Welty and her long and distinguished career.

It is a complete ...

The Shoe Bird

By Eudora Welty
Illustrated by Beth Krush
Categories: Literature

When Arturo the Parrot, whose job it was to help greet people as they came into The Friendly Shoe Store, picked up and repeated a small boy's disgruntled comment, “Shoes are for the birds!,” it certainly ...