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$20.21 Sale

$20.21 Sale

Done with 2020? So are we!

2020 has been rough. Why wait to treat yo' shelf? End 2020 a little early with our $20.21 sale!

In anticipation of the new year, every book on our website will be $20.21 beginning ...

50th Anniversary Newsletter

By UPM Staff May 01, 2020
Folklore Sale!!!

Folklore Sale!!!

We're excited to be at this year's American Folklore Society annual meeting!

To celebrate, we're offering a 30% discount on all of our folklore books through November 16.

Just add eligible titles to your ...

Ersula J. Ore on Lynching

By UPM Staff October 23, 2019
50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Founded in 1970, University Press of Mississippi is the largest and only non-profit publisher in the state. From its offices in Jackson, UPM acquires, edits, designs, distributes, and promotes more than ...

Shared Voices

By Guest Author November 11, 2020