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Showing 631-640 of 725 titles.
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Reading Faulkner

This volume guides readers through one of William Faulkner’s most complex novels. By common consent The Sound and the Fury is a seminal document of twentieth-century literature. Almost from the beginning, ...


By Walter Anderson
Categories: Literature

A magical story of a stray cat's transformation into a prodigy who performs at Carnegie Hall; includes block prints by the author

Conversations with Pauline Kael

Conversations with Pauline Kael brings together roughly half of Kael's published interviews along with a lively debate between Kael and Jean-Luc Godard. Collectively, the interviews provide rewarding perspectives ...

Conversations with Elizabeth Bishop

This book brings together almost all of the known interviews Elizabeth Bishop gave over a period of thirty years. Included also are a few selected pieces based on conversations with her. All together ...

Faulkner and the Artist

Whatever the various roles he played and whatever his occasional claims that he was not at all a “literary man,” William Faulkner was in fact the most devoted of artists. He was absolutely dedicated ...

One Time, One Place

By Eudora Welty
Foreword by William Maxwell
Categories: Photography

Eudora Welty is among the very few authors who are acclaimed for their work in both literature and photography. In 1971 she surprised her readers with this important book, for in One Time, One Place many ...

More Conversations with Eudora Welty

This book of conversations with one of America’s most revered writers extends the firsthand account of Eudora Welty’s life and work from the early 1980s to the present and supplements Conversations ...

Ash of Stars

Edited by James Sallis
Categories: Literature