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Black Fire—This Time, Volume 2

Edited by Derrick Harriell
Associate editor Kofi Antwi
Introduction by Mona Lisa Saloy
Categories: Literature

In this follow-up volume in the Black FireThis Time series, over seventy-five poets and writers come together on the ongoing theme of "Black is Beautiful, Black is Powerful, Black is Home." Works ranging ...

Thomas Fahy

Thomas Fahy is professor of English and director of graduate studies at Long Island University Post. He has authored numerous books, including Dining with Madmen: Fat, Food, and the Environment in 1980s ...

Gerald Peary

Gerald Peary is professor emeritus of film studies at Suffolk University, Boston, film critic for Arts Fuse, and editor of Quentin Tarantino: Interviews; Quentin Tarantino: Interviews, Revised and Updated ...

Steven Woodward

Steven Woodward is professor of film, media, and literature at Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. He is editor of After Kieślowski: The Legacy of Krzysztof Kieślowski.

Barbara Burkhardt

Barbara Burkhardt is professor emerita of English at University of Illinois Springfield and author of William Maxwell: A Literary Life.

Renata Bernard

Renata Bernard is coeditor of Diasporas of Australian Cinema and has published in KinoKultura and Senses of Cinema.

Anthony Slide

Anthony Slide has written and edited more than two hundred books on the history of popular entertainment. He is a pioneer in the documentation of women in silent film, writing the first biography of Lois ...

Mario Falsetto

Mario Falsetto (1950–2020) was professor of film studies at Concordia University (Montreal) for over thirty years. He is author of several books, including The Making of Alternative Cinema: Volume 1: ...

Joe Bonomo

Joe Bonomo has written about music for many years. His books include Play This Book Loud: Noisy Essays; Field Recordings from the Inside: Essays; Sweat: The Story of the Fleshtones, America’s Garage ...

Brent Dunham

Brent Dunham is an independent film scholar. He is editor of J. J. Abrams: Interviews, James Cameron: Interviews, and Danny Boyle: Interviews, all published by University Press of Mississippi. His work ...