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Popular Culture

Showing 331-340 of 520 titles.
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Hip Hop on Film

Early hip hop film musicals have either been expunged from cinema history or excoriated in brief passages by critics and other writers. Hip Hop on Film reclaims and reexamines productions such as Breakin' ...

Making and Remaking Horror in the 1970s and 2000s

By David Roche
Categories: Film Studies

In Making and Remaking Horror in the 1970s and 2000s author David Roche takes up the assumption shared by many fans and scholars that original horror movies are more “disturbing,” and thus better than ...

Beyond The Chinese Connection

In Beyond “The Chinese Connection,” Crystal S. Anderson explores the cultural and political exchanges between African Americans, Asian Americans, and Asians over the last four decades. To do so, Anderson ...

Comics and Language

It has become an axiom in comic studies that “comics is a language, not a genre.” But what exactly does that mean, and how is discourse on the form both aided and hindered by thinking of it in linguistic ...

Comics and Narration

By Thierry Groensteen
Translated by Ann Miller
Categories: Comics Studies

This book is the follow-up to Thierry Groensteen's groundbreaking The System of Comics, in which the leading French-language comics theorist set out to investigate how the medium functions, introducing ...

Chester Brown

The early 1980s saw a revolution in mainstream comics—in subject matter, artistic integrity, and creators' rights—as new methods of publishing and distribution broadened the possibilities. Among those ...

Drawing from Life

Edited by Jane Tolmie
Categories: Comics Studies

Autobiography has seen enormous expansions and challenges over the past decades. One of these expansions has been in comics, and it is an expansion that pushes back against any postmodern notion of the ...

Time in Television Narrative

Edited by Melissa Ames
Categories: Popular Culture

This collection analyzes twenty-first-century American television programs that employ temporal and narrative experimentation. These shows play with time, slowing it down to unfold narrative through time ...

Insider Histories of Cartooning

Many fans and insiders alike have never heard of Bill Hume, Bailin' Wire Bill, Abe Martin, AWOL Wally, the Texas History Movies, or the Weatherbird at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. And many insiders do ...

Hearths of Darkness

By Tony Williams
Categories: Film Studies

Hearths of Darkness: The Family in the American Horror Film traces the origins of the 1970s family horror subgenre to certain aspects of American culture and classical Hollywood cinema. Far from being ...