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About the Press

Our Mission

University Press of Mississippi tells stories of scholarly and social importance that impact our state, region, nation, and world. We are committed to equality, inclusivity, and diversity. Working at the forefront of publishing and cultural trends, we publish books that enhance and extend the reputation of our state and its universities.

Who We Are

Founded in 1970, University Press of Mississippi (UPM) is the largest and only non-profit publisher in the state. Affiliated with and supported by Mississippi’s eight state universities, UPM has more than 2,200 active titles and has distributed more than 3,200,000 books worldwide in print and digital editions, each with the Mississippi imprint. From our offices in Jackson, we acquire, edit, design, and promote more than 95 new books every year. Operating in a rapidly evolving marketplace and striving to be an antiracist organization, we value and promote equity and justice, publishing books that interpret the South and its culture to the nation and the world, scholarly books of the highest distinction, and books vital to readers in African American studies, Caribbean studies, comics studies, film and media studies, folklore, history, literary studies, music, and popular culture.

Code of Conduct

The University Press of Mississippi is committed to creating a culture that supports the publishing excellence that is central to our mission. The Press embraces a code of conduct that governs all our collaborations. The Press upholds a positive environment in which its staff, authors, reviewers, media, vendors, and other partners may participate in the business of peer-reviewed publishing in an exemplary professional manner. This environment is defined by constructive relationships, equity and inclusion, open communication, and mutual respect. As such, the Press has zero tolerance for racism or any other forms of discrimination or harassment, as well as illegal, dishonest, or unethical professional conduct. There is no place in the Press’s publishing ecosystem for people who abuse their status, power, or influence in a manner that violates recognized standards of conduct.

As guiding principles of conduct, we commit to a positive, professional, sensitive, and supportive environment, free of abuse, discrimination, and harassment of others. We commit to hold challenging discussions of differences in a professional, nonconfrontational manner and with respect to a diversity of viewpoints. We expect our staff, authors, and all our collaborators to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner in all facets of their professional lives. When such expectations are not met, the Press will take appropriate action, including the termination of partnerships that we believe violate or challenge our ability to achieve a positive culture of collaboration and responsibility.

Our Universities

Alcorn State University

Delta State University

Jackson State University

Mississippi State University

Mississippi University for Women

Mississippi Valley State University

University of Mississippi

University of Southern Mississippi

50th Anniversary Video